Accountants Update (Oct 2013).
I have been asked to put my accounting and professional service firm blogs etc in one place. These apply to accountants, lawyers, bankers and most professional service firms. Often I am misquoted, but do feel free to add your own comments:
- Effective Marketing - a short article on effective marketing for accountants
- Accountancy Age Interview - 25-minute interview on "What accountants should be providing to their clients"
- What Entrepreneurs Want From Their Accountants (Real Business) which is based on Know Me Know My Business (in ACCA Global In Practice). Also you can see Accountants - Know Me Know My Business - the original article and also Bankers - Know Me, Know My Business (Chartered Banker)
- Professional Service Firms and Smaller Businesses - specifically aimed at accountants, this thought piece applies to all PSFs
- "I Love My Accountant" - blog entry. Accountants can be... should be... and, in fact, must be... fantastic for your business...
- Watching Sales Increase by 150% in an Accounting Firm - a real case study
- Change Your Business - It Just Takes One Day - another case study
- A Mini Case Study - small and perfectly formed
- Clients Should Sack Their Accountants - this one put the cat among the pigeons. This was based on Steve Pipe's Is Robert Craven Right When He Says Clients Should Sack Their Accountants (AccountingWeb)
- Accountants, Ostriches and the Insane - the blog that generated 80+ comments
- Not All Accountants Are Ostriches - Real Business columnist Robert Craven argued last week that all accountants are ostriches. How wrong he is! (Real Business)
- Should Clients Sack Their Accountants? - interview with Mark Lee (AccountingWeb) following on from the Steve Pipe article...
- Accountants Don't Understand Marketing (Daily Telegraph) - this is where some commentators got the wrong end of the stick
A remarkable variety. And of course (despite what we each may think) there is a huge similarity between accountants and lawyers etc. More than we would care to admit. We all think we are all so very special.
This is turning into a useful body of work.
At first I thought this was all red rag to a bu,ll provocative rubbish. Now (after the Nottingham event), I believe your style is to provoke but with the best intentions. Interesting (if not fascinating) but you will lose friends if you take this approach.
Is this the new book?
What entreprenerus want article being used to promote an accountancy firm!
Hourly rate not workable for advisers http://bit.ly/hjJTvH
Honing your competitive edge http://t.co/9738Id1 #accountants accountancy age
Social Media = Emperor’s new clothes http://t.co/LVoDAFV #accountants accountancy age
The next generation http://t.co/KpOiRHY #accountants Accountancy Age
How to tell if your accountant is a crook
3 Things Your Accountant May Not Be Telling You
Accountant 101: Finding the Right Match
Accountants - do you think it is time to stop accountant bashing! http://t.co/TpOxUKg
Ant, I seem to be following around this site.
To quote RC on the other posting (the part two one)
"Of course the article contains huge sweeping generalisations and of course it is unfair to polarise an entire industry. However the use of the two extremes gets us to think about where one might stand along the continuum.
And as other commentators have noted, this isn't an accountant specific polarisation. The same is broadly true for most professional service firms. Enough!"
Now it is probably time for him to demonstrate this.
Hmmm - bit of research and I've scored a home goal.
Some proof
'Accountants - Know Me Know My Business - the original article and also Bankers - Know Me, Know My Business (Chartered Banker)' (see the blog posting) - these are essentially the same article so YES Mr C this applies to Professional Service Firms and it looks like you are applying the critical eye to all service firms.
Also I note he says
'Professional Service Firms and Smaller Businesses - specifically aimed at accountants, this thought piece applies to all PSFs' I will give you the benefit of the doubt when he uses the word 'aimed'
Clearly he is not simply pointing the finger at accountants.
Meanwhile the I love my accountant piece suggests it is not simply a pop at the accounting profession.
I have just seen the title of the post it says
'Accountants and Professional Service Firms Update' and I just assumed it was about accountants. Oops.
Must read more carefully.
It also says
'These apply to accountants, lawyers, bankers and most professional service firms. Often I am misquoted,'
Double oops
Thanks for your time and effort.
PS You have rumbled the new book subject...
Accountants how do you spend your day - A day in the life of a MAAT Accountant – Carleton Long cheapaccounting.co.uk/blog/?p=1866
Creating Customer Loyalty - Keep Them Coming Back on AccountingWeb (invcludes RC comments)
This post is great and sorry that accountants seem a little sensitive. Not a problem to those who are delivering.
How to increase rates without losing clients - powerful stuff for #accountants http://ow.ly/4AKne
#Accountants admit their accounts don’t count for much. Time for HCM accounting? http://tiny.cc/nz71r
@AccountingWEBuk: @bookmarklee asks, "Call yourself a business adviser?" http://ow.ly/4CkmO /
What accountants must do to keep up with technology http://ow.ly/4F6mh
Should professional service firm business owners be using Twitter? - ...http://bit.ly/ePKwmF
see Choosing An Accountant
For a services business, like a law firm, a blog trumps a website - http://bit.ly/jJByBI - like a warm-up act for my forthcoming book
The death of the billable hour?: http://t.co/zGvV1Lz - more warm-up for the forthcoming book!
ThE Crowsd in the cloud - even more warm-up
and finally today
Accountants, are you clear on your core service offerings? http://bit.ly/jIDeju
Dawn of the #Accountant #Adviser http://bit.ly/ka9Koh
Do you know who your accountant really is? - http://tinyurl.com/3b3vfvk
Great article for #accountants to re-think selling RT @ThisIsSethsBlog Selling vs. inviting http://bit.ly/iW68pi
... and PR agencies:
15 Essential Social Media Tools for PR Agencies http://bit.ly/jjJunm
Great idea, having so many links on one blog - thanks
Thank you.
Looking forward to the new book
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