The current business model being 'sold' (usually by the so-called social media experts) seems to be the following three-line mantra:
1) Create the offering, ideally claiming to be some kind of expert
2) Do the marketing stuff for a bit including the compulsory something on a Blog, Twitter, FaceBook or LinkedIn or ideally all four. Ideally, give something away for free; a squeeze page might be of use. Maybe use google ads...
3) Wait to be found.
I am not sure that this is really enough - it is the "wait to be found" bit that worries me most. It makes all sorts of assumptions that:
- you are targeting the right people
- your message is on form
- there is a community waiting for you
- you can find the community
- you are able to engage their attention
- you don't come across as just more shouting/interruption marketing
- they are listening today
- they have the need today
- your offer is presented correctly
- there is a need for your product/service
If only it was so simple as three line mantra.
Actually now I think about it, I am not convinced that line two of the mantra,"Do the marketing stuff...", can be quite so formulaic as is claimed.
And now I think about it properly, the same can be said for line one, "Create the offering".
Might as well just wait to be found...