Two delegates approach the presenter and say:
"We've now seen you four times over the past year or so. Each time you've done a different topic (More Profit, Bright Marketing, Credit Crunch, a keynote) but really you keep covering the same kind of topics. And you always end up saying 'take action'.
We hear what you are saying and its all good stuff.
When we're ready we'll start to apply it all but meanwhile we're still looking for something new and different instead of listening to you banging on about the same old stuff... taking action, asking for the business, being able to demonstrate how and why you are different, getting closer to the customer blah, blah. And all the books and magazines are no better.
It is time you came up with something new or else we will stop coming to these workshops."
I think they missed the point.
Or rather they forgot where the exit was; you don't have to stay to the end.
1) My 'job' is not to be a presenter/entertainer. (I use whatever methods necessary to get my message across - one method is that I present so that others can listen and take action. Other methods include writing articles/books/blogs, recording webinars/interviews, working one-to-one, doing masterclasses/workshops - any method that seems appropriate to help people to run better businesses.)
2) It was time for them to actually listen to the message and get on and do it. Instead of attending another course they should apply what they have learnt. They just don't need to attend another workshop.
'Training junkies'!!!
It reminds of the Woody Allen story from the Annie Hall movie:
Patient's Brother: "Doctor, Doctor, my brother thinks he is a chicken."
Doctor: "Well, let's get him to a psychiatrist."
Patient's Brother: "No, we can't do that!"
Doctor: "Why not?"
Patient's Brother: "Because we need the eggs!"
Thought Bubble
Are you avoiding taking action over something because you are too committed to maintaining the status quo and are frightened of what the new world might look like?
Robert, I have put into action many things and aspects from your seminars and they results speak for themselves! You are absolutely right about putting it into action. It's the only way to make success happen!
You are too civil about these people.
People come to your Barclays events because they are free. Would they still come if they had to pay?
Maybe this doesn't matter. You get to see people you would otherwise see. Ditto for Barclays. Everyone wins.
PS these events are not ordinary - the value gained from attending is remarkable. Barclays should charge. They have no idea what an asset you are. Without your contribution those events would be empty. take your own advice: whatever you charge, put up your prices.
As I say elsewhere, there are always free-loaders who want to suck you dry. I guess they come with the territory for you. After all, what proportion do they represent?
JM, Independent Business Consultant, London
We hear what you are saying and its all good stuff.
When we're ready we'll start to apply it all ...quote...
If only I could attend 4 times a year!!! As an independant retailer (I tell my staff, we are salesmen not servers) I find the chance to have someone make me step back to look at my business from the outside, and re-asses our performance, direction etc. a real benefit.
I am not looking for the next 'new idea'...I don't believe that they are there to be had...I want a new way to look at the old ideas that are time proven...that work.
I do hope that your delegates don't wait too long for the 'right time'...through their inaction they may have already missed it!
Ban them!
As I say elsewhere, there are always free-loaders who want to suck you dry. I guess they come with the territory for you. After all, what proportion do they represent?
JM, Independent Business Consultant, London
Ban them!
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