Lethlakeng Primary School is two hours from Gaborone (1,000 kids, 18 teachers)
- with the kind support of the local British Council we supplied Lethlakeng with internet access and a computer... a partnership was set up with Swainswick Primary in Bath.
Chainda Community School is an hour outside Lusaka (1500 kids, 28 teachers, 14 classrooms, no electricity, water from a well)
– we took football kits, and a donation to buy solar panels so that they can run a computer (as well as other basic things you can do with power). Again this is with help from the local British Council.
As you can see, the kids and staff were delighted to receive football kits, balls etc that we took out for them.
The welcome we received was humbling. So much excitement for things that we, in the UK, take for granted.
The school partnerships give schools in UK and in Zambia/Botswana the opportunity to exchange ideas, culture, materials, stories and there is a possibility of exchange visits!
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